Victoria Secret Karen Lawsuit Update

Victoria Secret Karen Lawsuit Update

Remember the video that surfaced in 2021 where two women were fighting with each other in a Victoria’s Secret shop in New Jersey? Yes, that actually got a lot of hits on social media platforms, particularly on TikTok. The incident was between a lady called Abigail Elphick later called “Victoria’s Secret Karen” and another lady, … Read more

Categories Law

Humans Of Bombay Lawsuit

Humans Of Bombay Lawsuit

You may be seeing the name “Humans of Bombay” or the term “Humans Of Bombay Lawsuit” appear in headlines recently, right? Well, that’s because there is an issue going on with this company, which is a well-recognized storytelling platform based in Mumbai. The reason for all this legal drama in the country? Well, just so … Read more

Categories Law

BT Overcharging Lawsuit

BT Overcharging Lawsuit

In the BT overcharging lawsuit, BT which is one of the largest telecom providers in the UK has been accused of overcharging millions of its customers for landline services over a number of years. The majority of these customers are elderly people on low incomes. If the party that had made the allegation in this … Read more

Categories Law

Baby Reindeer Lawsuit

Baby Reindeer Lawsuit

If you have been living under a rock for a while, then you might not know that the Baby Reindeer lawsuit is about a dispute that has been going on between the writer of the Netflix series, Richard Gadd, and the plaintiff, Fiona Harvey. Just so you know, Fiona Harvey, the plaintiff according to the … Read more

Categories Law

what is INTL CARD 99999999 ?

INTL CARD 99999999

  If you are one of the many people who are puzzled or even scared by the entry “INTL CARD 99999999” on your credit card or bank statement, do not worry you’re not alone in all this. You may wonder, what does this strange entry mean? Should you be afraid? In this post, we will … Read more

Dbrand Casetify Lawsuit

Dbrand Casetify Lawsuit

Dbrand, a company that makes and sells cases and skins for electronics, has legally pursued Casetify. Why exactly though? Well, the reason behind this so-called “Dbrand Casetify Lawsuit” is that Dbrand is alleging that Casetify has utilized their designs without obtaining the proper authorization or even basic permission. This case, which was initiated at the … Read more

Categories Law

what is on bank statement ? on bank statement

A lot of people are recently searching about what is on bank statement or credit card statements, and if you are one of them, just keep on reading. To be clear, it is not a scam. Most likely, it is just a misunderstanding, so do not worry too much. What is is … Read more

Airbnb Drowning Lawsuit

Airbnb Drowning Lawsuit

In the late summer of 2022, unfortunately, a really horrible thing happened (in August month of the year to be precise) at an Airbnb holiday rental in Bethel, New York. Yes, this is about the Amin family. The three members of this family, Afrid Haider, his brother-in-law Basir Amin, and his sister-in-law Nasrin Amin, were … Read more

Categories Law

what is AMZNMKTPLACE Charge?


Amazon sure is a big shopping website, and it is not just about the customers, there are hundreds and thousands of sellers who sell their stuff using Amazon Marketplace. But did you know that there are a lot of people recently searching about the specific “AMZNMktplace” charge on their credit card or bank statement because … Read more

Burger King Whopper Lawsuit

Burger King Whopper Lawsuit

Did you know that your favorite food chain, you know, Burger King, which is famous especially for its Whopper, is now trapped in a legal issue? Yes, a recent lawsuit has charged that the fast-food company is engaging in customer deception because it advertises the Whopper as a larger sandwich than what is served actually. … Read more

Categories Law