What You Need to Know About the Sloth Fever Virus

Sloth fever virus

Another one is here and yes you guessed it right, another infectious disease and one to be afraid off for that matter.  The virus which was once confined only to the Amazon region is now spreading and getting to far off places that are far from the Amazon region. The virus is called the sloth … Read more

The Deadly Kitten Killer Virus Makes a Comeback

Kitten Killer Virus

Picture this situation; you have a kitten that you love so much, you take it out to a shelter shortly before bringing it back. However, to your surprise upon getting home your cat refuses to eat and not just that but it begins to vomit and diarrhoea. Concerned with this sudden change in behaviour you … Read more

The Outbreak of Mpox another Global Health Concern

mpox outbreak global health emergency

The periods of 2019 to 2021 will go down in history as some of the darkest period of time in the recent history of humanity. This so because the period was highly dominated by a never seen before Covid 19 pandemic that caused a lot of deaths and disruptions across the globe. Thankfully, the pandemic … Read more

The Actual Cause of Graham Thorpe Death

Graham Thorpe cause of death

Death whether natural or otherwise is very painful and when it occurs it results in a lot of pain and regret.  The case is normally worse if the death is sudden and is that of an important member of family. In such a case, the occurring death leaves a huge gap in the lives of … Read more

The Return of Spider Size in the United Kingdom

Rat sized spiders Invade UK

Large spiders which can grow so big getting to the size of a rat have made an unexpected comeback in the United Kingdom. These spiders were there in the UK in the year 2010 and faced what experts called near extinction and now they are back in the country again. As a result of this, … Read more

The Rise of Hepatitis in the Lanarkshire Region

Hepatitis A Outbreak Cumbernauld

The season of disease outbreaks seems to have been activated going by the recent trend of disease outbreaks across the world.  Already, there are confirmed cases of the sloth fever virus with some confirmed casualties in Brazil. This only means that people have to be extremely careful with any outbreak or a mention of any … Read more